Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I'm trying to do research on collaborations to understand the nature of the act in which I'm participating.  Anybody have any names for me?  They don't have to be photographers by any means.  So far I've been researching:

Gilbert & George (there are some amazing videos of the duo in Milwaukee on this page of MAM's site)
Robert & Shana ParkeHarrison
Mike & Doug Starn
Lindsey Lockman & Barbara Ciurej

...and I've talked briefly with Bob Smith about his collaboration with Jon Horvath. Preferably I'd like to know of longer term collaborations, not just for one project.  Help me, please!



  1. Ah! And John Cage & Merce Cunningham of course.

  2. a couple others:
    Alec Soth and John Gossage in New Zealand for the Auckland Project
    also, Laura McPhee and Virginia Beahan have worked to gether for years. John McPhee has a recent book of essays where he writes about this collaboration..i forget the title.
