Monday, February 8, 2010

More recent work. I am really interested in distortion and haze lately, and I'm trying to figure out why. Are my photographs really little worlds I am carving out for myself, or is there something else I just can't quite grasp yet?

The reason I was making my artwork last semester was to create an escape for myself mentally. I feel like things in my life are changing so that I am slowly needing that escape less and less. I wonder if I will ever be free from needing it and how my photos will shift if/when that happens.


  1. This is interesting, Georgia. I really do wonder how your images will change. I've been thinking about that myself lately. I feel like no matter what there will still be some element of what we're doing now within our future work. But then again I look at artists whose work has changed drastically since they were our age and think perhaps that's possible for me. I'm excited to see what you'll do 5, 10, 20 years from now.

    This image is kind of reminding me of Jessie Spiess' thesis work. You know what I mean?

  2. It may not be a "need" for an escape perhaps one day, but more like a yummy adventure escape. like reading a trashy novel even though you love reading well written novels, just the trashy novel is your guilty pleasure. your work will follow suit as your life changes, and I am not saying your work will be like a trashy novel just perhaps more of a guilty pleasure instead of this way to hide away from bad things.

  3. its lovely :] I'm dead tired so sorry for being brief...I liked the title of the actual file..."eyeball pic number 5"

  4. Oh wow, that is really interesting. That title gives me a whole different perception of whats going on in the image, or perhaps just the process or thought that led to it.
